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My name is Mahalia John (0345) and welcome to my A2 media blog.

I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Gavin Fraser (0245).

You can navigate my blog using the right hand side column where you will find:

My A2 post labels including posts for the A2 Prelim, A2 research and planning and A2 Production

A live link to The Latymer School Music Video Blog

The blog archive of all my posts

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog

Here is the live link to Group 1's Facebook Page

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Shoot Reflections - Thursday 27th November

This was our final shoot so our aim was to re-shoot any shots we weren't happy with and shoot the last few that we hadn't done. Below is the shot list I created that we used to keep ourselves on track during the shoot.

Our shot list
We were given the whole day in the studio, from 9:30am until 17:45pm. However, some members of the group had lessons during the day so we didn't have as long to shoot. We decided to start with the props and superhero shots. While Gavin and Kayvon were in lessons Alice and I shot the tracking back shots of the Nintendo 64 and pile of VHS Tape.

Kayvon setting up the lights

For the rest of the shoot we did the performance shots. We also re-shot the glidecam performance shots using the shoulder mount because we found that it produced a smoother shot. Below is a short video of some of the footage we shot.

During this week we had decided that we didn't have a wide enough variety of publicity shots so once we had shot all of our footage we took some more with 2 different costumes and multiple setups. Below are some of the photos we took.

Band setup pink backgorund
Green background with instruments

Overall, the shoot went really well. We got everything done that we needed to and even had time to shoot more.

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